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Daily Readings now on YouTube

Saturday, 11 May 2024

We've started uploading the recordings of our Daily Readings to YouTube and YouTube Music in both English (KJV) and Farsi (NMV), along with the complete text of each reading. 

Additionally, we continue to share these readings on other platforms such as Spotify, WhatsApp, and Telegram. For more details, please visit our Daily Readings podcast pages at and 

4 more Farsi translated hymns

Monday, 22 April 2024

We have added four more hymns with the words in both English and Farsi (the singing on the video is in English) to the CIL Website. The full list of 140 hymns that have been translated is available here:

Here are the recent updates:
Hymn 261 - Now let our humble faith behold
Hymn 264 - Come, thou long-expected Jesus
Hymn 294 - Hail to the brightness of Zion’s glad morning
Hymn 438 - Praise to Him by whose high favour

The True Church (by bro Dennis Gillett)

Saturday, 12 August 2023

These recordings of four addresses given by Brother Dennis Gillett have recently been transcribed as a series of articles in the Christadelphian Magazine.  Brother Dennis speaks on the true church: 
1) Its nature 
2) Its government  
3) Its discipline 
4) Its work

You can listen to the recordings here:

The Daily Bible Readings in 2023

Thursday, 29 December 2022

As we go into 2023 and start our daily reading plan again, here are some helpful links for the daily readings in English and Farsi:

Hymn videos with Farsi

Sunday, 27 March 2022

We are now starting to making videos of the hymns (performed by the Northern Christadelphian Choir) in English with a Farsi translation (either for understanding or for singing) available!

We're still uploading these and more are being created, the growing list of hymns available in Farsi is here:  (you need to be logged on to the website to view this).

Get CIL Updates on Telegram!

Monday, 24 January 2022

The Isolation League is now on the Telegram messaging app!  Telegram is a great alternative to WhatsApp with some interesting features such as built in message translation.  There is of course, plenty of debate online on which is messenger app is best, but we can easily integrate with Telegram (and already have a similar integration with Whatsapp)

We are now posting the Daily Bible Readings, links to Exhortations that may relate to the readings as well as links to the latest Exhortations, Bible Studies, Lectures and other updates.

You can find our channels here:

More information can be found on our Telegram page.

CIL Meet: Zoom, Teams and Google Meet all available at no cost to your ecclesia!

Thursday, 21 October 2021

CIL Meet is our live stream service provided for Christadelphian Organisations & Ecclesias.  The service uses either Zoom, Google Meet or Teams accounts and provides a simple access mechanism to run meetings using these accounts.  You can also use the accounts directly as well!

Each Organisation / Ecclesia has a page on CIL Website and on their page they have at least one meeting Room.  Once the Room is accessed the meeting is started for the day and the meeting opens in the usual Zoom, Google Meet or Teams app. 

Read the full article to find out about the features available and how to request your CIL Meet Room.