
An isolated buildingWhat does it mean to be “In Isolation”?

You can be isolated from your ecclesia for many different reasons, not just because your nearest ecclesia is a long distance away. 

You might be the only one or one of a few Christadelphians in your country. 

You may be really near your ecclesia but you are suffering from ill health which makes it impossible to attend on a regular basis. 

Your work may have taken you and your family away from home. 

You may have been in isolation for a very long time, or the reason you are in isolation may be temporary. 

There are many reasons why you might be 'in isolation' and help is available!  The Christadelphian Isolation League (CIL) is there to help your ecclesia provide the support you need, and we can also provide support to small ecclesias with additional material to use when they cannot always arrange a speaker for their services.

How can the Isolation League help?

If for any reason you cannot attend your ecclesia the CIL can help support by providing you with regular exhortations, bible studies and lectures.  We also support ecclesias in running online meetings via our CIL Meet platform.  In addition to this we provide support to the blind and partially-sighted by providing material in braille and large print. 

We also run a Sunday School by post where a teacher will send lessons to your children and they will send their answers back.  In addition, Youth Activities such as our Youth Week and Youth Week Reunion are run every year to support our young people who are in isolation and in small ecclesias, helping them to meet young people from larger ecclesias.  

The CIL maintains a Recordings Library containing over 4,000 recordings of exhortations, studies, gatherings (and more!) that can be sent to you by post, or downloaded from our website. 

Can I join the Isolation League?

If you are in Isolation you should still be a member of an ecclesia, and your recording brother or CBM linkman should be able to arrange for us to provide our material to you.  You can also contact us directly to arrange this.

The CIL is not an ecclesia, we are a Christadelphian organisation that provides a service to Christadelphian ecclesias.  It is essential that you remain a member of your ecclesia and maintain contact and fellowship with them.

Our services are funded by and provided to Christadelphians in central fellowship world-wide, and we work closely with the Christadelphian Bible Mission organisations to provide our material in multiple languages.  To establish membership of a central fellowship ecclesia, we will reference either the CALS diary or liaise with CBM linkmen.  If you are in another Christadelphian fellowship, or you are currently out of fellowship, we may still be able to help, please get sponsorship from a central ecclesia and ask them to contact us.

Holding hands - fellowshipAccessing our material online

You will also find our material available on this website, including Exhortations, Lectures and Bible Studies going back for more than 10 years, our Sunday School Lessons and the entire Recordings Library, which now includes some video footage as well.  You are welcome to access this material even if you are not 'in Isolation'.

We do require you to register for access as we need to track who is using the material online and to offer email notifications of new content on the website.  You will need a registration code, which is readily available (see the registration form for more details).  If you cannot find the code please contact your recording brother or CBM linkman in the first instance, but please feel free to contact us as well.

How can YOU help the Isolation League?

Please pray for the work of the Isolation League as we try to support our brothers and sisters and their families who are in isolation.  Here are some of the ways you can help by:

  • learning a foreign language to help us translate our material
  • becoming a Sunday School teacher
  • being an ecclesial representative to make sure the needs of brothers and sisters isolated from your ecclesia are met
  • donating funds to help finance the work
  • promoting the work of the Isolation League so more are aware of the services we offer

If you can help in these or any other means, please contact us.